Depression in the City
City dwellers are more and more often contracting civilization diseases, including the most serious of them - depression. Undoubtedly, the development of civilization has a huge impact on the lives of citizens, not only positive, but also negative. The fast pace of life, overwhelming stress, numerous responsibilities, the pursuit of wealth and material goods mean that fewer and fewer people care about themselves and their health, are overworked and tired. Job insecurity, fear of losing job leads to an emotional imbalance, relationship disorders, and additional stress. City dwellers live in a polluted environment, among cars and office buildings, have less contact with the natural environment. The constant lack of time, rush, playing many roles at the same time make people choose what to spend less and more time on. This leads to frustration because they can not find a balance between work and private life. We have only one life, day has only 24 hours, we can not do everything at once. The balance means living in accordance with the principle of "and" instead of "either - or".
All of these factors lead to disorders in sleep, nutrition, family and social relationships. The human brain can not keep up with the development of civilization, and this leads to many serious somatic diseases, but also to the emotional disorders and civilization diseases.
" Nowadays people know the price of everything, and the value of nothing. "
Oscar Wilde
- The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that by 2020 depression will be the second most common worldwide cause of disability resulting from the state of health (the first one will be heart failure).
- In terms of incidence, depression is currently the fourth most serious health problem in the world - it is estimated that about 121 million people suffer from depression.
- It is estimated that 5-10% of the population suffers from depression and needs psychiatric or psychological help.
- As much as 10% of Poles suffer from depression (according to the data provided by Zesp贸艂 ds. Walki z Depresj膮 (Team for Combating Depression) operating at Ministry of Health.
- More than 3/4 of people suffering from depression does not see the doctor at all, and in many cases people who see the doctor are wrongly diagnosed (the conclusions of the latest study coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO), involving 15 centers from 14 countries.)
- Statistics show that about 15% of people suffering from endogenous depression takes their own lives, 20-60% of patients with depression try to take their own lives, and 40-80% have suicidal thoughts.
- Average statistical risk of developing depression equals 10-20%, which is slightly higher for women than for men.
- People under 45 are more likely to contract depression than people above this age (the average age of a first episode of depression is 20-40 years).