National Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations (OFOP)

National Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations (OFOP) was established in 2003 as a response to the need for a national contingent. The mission of it is to build strong and credible non-governmental sector as an essential element of the existence of civil society. The aim of the Federation is to ensure good social and legal environment for the activities of the third sector. OFOP take the initiative on behalf of its members. The development is supported by member organizations by promoting their greater integration and help build the image. OFOP currently has more than 100 organizations from Poland. Among them are the federations and other large organizations - indirectly OFOP has more than 400 non-governmental organizations.
Wemenders Foundation became a member of the National Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations from March 2013.
PZU Foundation
The PZU Foundation is a corporate foundation operating since 2004 at the side of the PZU Group, one of the largest financial institutions in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. The PZU Foundation's basic method of operating is providing funds carried out within the grant programs and out-of-competition grants. In accordance with the provisions formulated in the mission of the Foundation and in the statutes, the Foundation's activities are focused on evening the chances of people with various disabilities, increasing access to cultural and social life as well as supporting the development of individuals and social groups.
The PZU Foundation supports the work of our Foundation in all areas of its activity by carrying out projects addressed to students, citizens and the Polish community abroad.
Media Rodzina Publishing
Publisher of books for children, young people, psychological titles, guides for parents and audiobooks, and more recently also fiction series Gorzka Czekolada. To date, Media Rodzina has published more than five hundred titles, and in 2012, the publishing house celebrated its 20th anniversary. The distinguished publishing offers include, among others: acclaimed series "Jak rozmawia膰, 偶eby dzieci...", series: "Harry Potter" and "The Hunger Games", as well as Inteligencja emocjonalna (Emotional Intelligence), Pu艂apki my艣lenia (Thinking Traps), Bajki terapeutyczne (Therapuetic Stories). The most popular titles for children include a story about Pan Kuleczka, Pettson and Findus, Kicia Kocia and the "M膮dra Mysz" (Smatr Mouse) series.
Polish Cancer Patient Coalition
Polish Cancer Patient Coalition is a collective voice of more than 80,000 cancer patients in Poland that are members in more than 20 associations. The Coalition works to improve the situation of oncological patients in Poland. It is the largest and best organized representation of cancer patients. For many years, bears witness to a responsible partnership with the medical, pharmaceutical and state administration. The mission of the Coalition is to improve the statistics on the survival of patients with cancer in Poland, by implementing the highest standards of diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The coalition was formed in February 2009, during the celebration of the Seventeenth World Day of the Cancer Sick, in Warsaw. Polish Cancer Patient Coalition is a partner project of the Foundation Wemenders Psychooncology.
Centre for people with special needs "Under the wings" House
Centre for people with special needs "Under the wings" House is a daily centre of support for people with mental health problems, such as the mentally ill and for people with intellectual disabilities. The main objective of the "Under the Wings" House is the creation of social support for people with mental illness by supporting participants in maintaining and developing the skills necessary for independent living and their families, as well as promoting the integration of people with mental disorders to the community. "Under the Wings" House operates on the Warsaw Ochota since 2007, is the initiator and creator of many partnership projects aimed at the local community with a view to the integration and inclusion of people with mental disorders. "Under the Wings" House is a partner of Wemenders Foundation in the Psychooncology project. |
Social Welfare Centre Ochota district
Social Welfare Centre district Ochota in Warsaw is an organizational unit of the City Operating in the Warsaw Ochota. The main objective of the Centre is to recognize and meet the essential needs of people and families that are not able to overcome the difficulties of life, and enable them living in conditions appropriate for human dignity. Centre should possibly lead to individual empowerment of individuals and families and their integration with the environment, as well as to prevent the emergence of new social problems emerging demand for social assistance benefits. The Centre conducts work with families in difficulty in carrying out its functions care and education, in order to restore their ability to perform these functions. Social Welfare Centre Ochota is a partner of Wemenders Foundation in the Psychooncology project. |
Voice of Seniors, MANKO Association
MANKO Association publishes a nationwide, free newspaper "Senior Voice". They also runs a website and training of media education for leaders of senior movements in Poland. "The Voice of Seniors" takes care of most of the events for seniors in Poland. Office of the "Senior Voice" is a member of the Policy Council at the Ministry of Labour and seniority involved in the development of long-term policy objectives of seniority for the period 2014-2020.
The complement of pro-seniors actions is the "Senior of Malopolska", funded with support from the Malopolska Region. The project will be released on a special edition of the magazine - "Malopolska Senior Voice" - and will be implemented with Seniors Card program.
"Senior Voice" magazine is a Wemenders Foundation's partner on Depression of Seniors project.
The Winners
The Winners company was created for You, so that everyday you can substantively and in an interesting way learn about the mental training, and your way of thinking. Every day we are working on the development of training methods in order to provide you, dear people of sport, with the highest quality products to support you in your daily hard work and devotion to the sport. We are here to support you in reaching for the "impossible", in breaking barriers, breaking stereotypes, fighting bad habits, reaching the great potential of your organisms, as well as in developing your own talents.
The team of the Winners is a highly qualified and carefully selected staff that meets the highest standards.
Aktywnie Przeciwko Depresji Association
The Aktywnie Przeciwko Depresji Association has been operating in Poland for many years and its president is Joanna Chatizow. The main purpose of the association is to educate the society about depression. The association organizes the National Depression Day.
 | is an attempt to create a platform for the exchange of information, news, tips, comments and contacts between Poles living in different parts of the world. The name "Powrotnik" refers to our, immigrants, often hidden, but certainly present thought about going back. We are thinking of returning to the land of our childhood, or to a place where we had a good life.
 | - a cheerful page about depression. Information and studies on depression. Tips and interesting news - both for people suffering from depression, as well as for their families.
Testineo's aim is to provide solutions that support companies in the development of competence potential of employees. We create psychometric tools for business and individual users. We approach projects with passion, care about the quality of our services and constantly improve our own workshop. Solid educational background and experience in the HR, psychology, consulting and management market allowed us to built a Team which efficiently and effectively creates diagnostic tools and is constantly supported by methodologists, statisticians, graphic designers and IT team.
| portal
The Portal is a holistic approach to depression - supports not only the sick, but also their loved ones. The mission of the website is to educate and support the community of people interested in the issue of depression in Poland and among Polish community abroad, to demythologize the disease in the society and among employers and to fight social exclusion of people suffering from depression. The Portal is also a community of professionals who specialize in the treatment and therapy of depression. |